Live from a Guatemalan chicken bus
Spontaneous always works. True to this motto, I am today in conversation with Janelle Gueits from Florida. On the way back from Chi Chi Market in Guatemala, we talked in the Chicken Bus also about the following topics:
– Frequencies of colors
– Energy as a basic theme that connects us all
– Inner war reflects outer conflicts
– How to achieve inner peace
– How the long way can be the more beautiful one
– The power of beautiful encounters
– Monthly cramps, and still be in a good mood
– Caribbean way of smiling
– Displaced women and their challenges
– How to keep on shining the inner light
– Non-profit engagement and the motivation
– Documentary film project on Cuba
– Florida as a country of its own within the USA
About Janelle Gueits:
Janelle Gueits is an energy-raising, modern-day renaissance lady passionate about moving humankind forward. As an agent of change, she works across fields as a serial impact entrepreneur, award-winning documentary film director, and guest speaker. Today, she is starting to publicly share her years of research to develop a universal energy system to help evolve human potential and freedom called FREEQUENCY. The aim is to upgrade human’s inner operating system and empower good decision-making in a fast moving world. Gueits has been featured in over 30 media outlets (VARIETY, NPR, and TIME).