#2 How a young UK millionaire monk wants to empower humanity – with David Hans-Barker

In this episode, I had the great pleasure to interview David Hans-Barker, an eight figure entrepreneur, CEO, biohacking expert and key leading meditation teacher at his retreat centre looking over the stormy cliffs of Bali. Already when I met him the first time, I was captured by his calm presence and after the interview I felt inspired, peaceful and creative.

David became a millionaire and monk before he even turned 30 years. He was raised in the UK in a rough environment with a high crime rate.

“If you are feeling something that you don’t want to feel then it is fear!“

David’s emotional independence was his base to become financially independent. He spent time alone in the woods, meditated and tuned in to an anti-fragile state of mind. David no longer sees risks as dangerous.

One of Davids next targets in life is to empower 80 million people, that is 1% of the world population, through meditation. Meditation is a key for him to be empowered and take responsibility.

“For me, not to love means that I give power away as I allow others to control my emotions“

In this episode, you will learn…

✨How to remain in silence and solitude during meditation, how to escape fear in life and how  Vipassana meditation can become a game changer in your life.

✨ About the power of facing yourself.

✨ Why systems such as societies or even simple patterns of thoughts can limit the way you grow.

✨ Why everyone is the master of themselves and why governments and organizations are not to be blamed as we tend to give power away too easily.

✨ That being responsible is a beautiful concept as it provides you with the freedom to decide.

✨ That love is an action and the best way to live is to be in a constant state of love independent from any subject or object.

✨ How great it is to pick something you love, focus on it and become really good at it.

✨ Why mentorship in life is not necessary as meditation can be the teacher itself.

✨ How a productive day in the life of David looks like and why it can be beneficial to only focus on work for a certain period of your life.

I hope you take a lot away from our conversation! I am already looking forward to receiving your insights and ideas on this episode.

Feel free to comment on Instagram or on my blog and make sure you subscribe to my channel.

Keep on Shining



Let’s keep in touch: https://corinna-rosa.com

If you want to learn more about David, follow him on Instagram @meditationdave and make sure to visit his retreat centre when you are on Bali. I can also highly recommend his online Vipassana training that you can find here: https://www.vipassanaonline.com/vipassana-online!

Further info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSyZA1t3tkVzz7Ednt8v3og.

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