Poetry Readings

"Art is the signature of civilizations." – Beverly Sills –

Art is the breath of humanity, the language of our emotions—like air, wind, water, and fire. It encompasses our sorrows, smiles, sights, and the shutter of a camera capturing moments in time. It is both the cry and the humor of life. It is art when you fall in love for the first time, when you embrace life with passion. Yet, it is also art that can break your heart. Art exists between two individuals before they unite and accompanies you as you take your final breath, embarking on the journey to the other side. It permeates our daily existence like a refreshing bath. Art manifests when you rise from the depths of grief, when you bask in the scent of summer or gaze at the stars in the night sky. It is intertwined with moments of intimacy and curiosity in the eyes of loved ones, woven into the fabric of our stories. Surviving the trials of everyday life is an art in itself—our lives are a masterpiece. And in the end, expressing art means dancing in the rain, painting after a loved one's departure, or penning poetry amidst life's struggles.

Past poetry readings (since 2020):

My poetry readings typically last between 30 to 90 minutes and often feature selections from my latest book, *The Sky and the Salt*. These events can be accompanied by live music or performed solo.

I have previously offered readings at various locations, including Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin, Salzburg, and Kitzbühel, as well as in Nevada and New York City (USA).

In the past, my poetry readings have been featured at a variety of events, including weddings, birthdays, corporate gatherings, festivals, outdoor events, and indoor evening functions. Notable occasions include the Wanda Festival, Alte Utting, Alter Simple, and even Burning Man.

Contact me for further information.

Corinna-Rosa Falkenberg